Westmont Magazine Spring Athletics

by Jacob Norling ’20, Sports Information Assistant

Women's Basketball team after opening round win

This March, 女子篮球不仅在项目历史上庆祝了最具历史意义的高年级之一, but college history. Stefanie Berberabe, Iyree Jarrett, Sydney Brown, Gabriella Stoll and Kaitlin Larson have all been four-year Warriors, 他们在韦斯特蒙的成就是无与伦比的. Since their start in 2018, the Warriors have won three regular season GSAC titles, two GSAC Tournament Championships and, most notably, the 2021 NAIA National Championship. 本赛季,该小组取得了27胜5负的成绩,并赢得了GSAC常规赛冠军. Berberabe, the reigning NAIA Player of the Year, was named Co- GSAC Player of the Year, while Jarrett was named to the All-GSAC Team for the third time. 同样获得荣誉的还有神枪手莱拉·萨恩斯,她被评为GSAC年度最佳新生. 威斯蒙特赛季的亮点包括1月29日战胜对手大师队,以及2月12日在毕业夜战胜人寿太平洋. A week later, on February 19 in Rocklin, 韦斯特蒙特队以72比55的比分击败了威廉·杰瑟普队,在过去四年中第三次获得GSAC常规赛冠军. 3月12日,威斯蒙特的赛季在默奇森体育馆达到了戏剧性的高潮. With under five minutes to play in the NAIA Opening Round Final, the Warriors trailed Science and Arts (Okla.) by eight points. Then, the Warriors ended the game on a 12-1 run, highlighted by a go-ahead 3-pointer from Jarrett, and punched their ticket back to Sioux City, Iowa, for the Final Site of the NAIA National Championships. It was only fitting that for such a historic class, 他们在主场的最后一场比赛在庆祝和剪网仪式中结束. The following week, in Sioux City, 勇士最终在16强输给了中央卫理公会. Following the conclusion of the tournament, both Berberabe and Jarrett were named NAIA First Team All-Americans. 韦斯特蒙特是全国唯一一所拥有多名成员代表一线队的学校. 克尔斯滕·摩尔教练的球队一直体现着勇士的精神, in every meaning of the word.

Nate Meithof playing basketball
Nate Meithof

在2021-22赛季,男子篮球经历了情绪的过山车, 这支队伍最终在GSAC锦标赛中以令人钦佩的成绩结束了这个赛季, 在那里他们击败了一支进入NAIA全国锦标赛半决赛的球队. 威斯蒙特的赛季以球队本赛季最令人印象深刻的表现开始, as the Warriors started 9-0 overall and 2-0 in GSAC play. 俱乐部本赛季开局的第八场胜利可能是最甜蜜的, 11月20日,威斯蒙特在主场击败了对手大师队,开启了GSAC的首场比赛. 这是自2016年以来,韦斯特蒙特首次击败大师. 当这支队伍进入GSAC锦标赛时,他们确保充分利用这个机会. First, 威斯蒙特在第一轮比赛中击败了太平洋人寿, and then, 当韦斯特蒙特击败头号种子亚利桑那·克里斯蒂安进入GSAC锦标赛半决赛时,他们迎来了自己的辉煌时刻. 在半决赛中,韦斯特蒙特输给了最终的锦标赛冠军. Individually, the highlight for Westmont was the play of freshman Nate Meithof, who was named the GSAC Freshman of the Year. Meithof led the conference in scoring, averaging 18.场均5分,成为10年来第一个赢得得分王的勇士队.

Women's swimming

In their third season as a program, 在教练林志玲的带领下,女子游泳运动取得了迄今为止最成功的成绩. 今年2月,在圣路易斯市举行的太平洋大学游泳锦标赛上. George, Utah, 勇士队以五项个人纪录的成绩领先于所有NAIA对手. 球队本赛季的高潮出现在3月初的哥伦布, Georgia, where the club competed in the NAIA National Championships. Jones’ team had six Warriors take part in competition at nationals, and every single one of the women flourished. 所有六名选手都获得了NAIA全美冠军,成为韦斯特蒙特游泳协会历史上第一批获得冠军的成员. Morgan Bienias, Bridget Hoth, Ella Chaisson, Olivia Garrison, 埃拉·穆恩奇和莱恩·莱万多夫斯基是ag娱乐官网第一批全美游泳运动员. 总的来说,在全国比赛中,韦斯特蒙特队在全国排名第九.

Zola Sokhela passes to Adam King
Zola Sokhela passes to Adam King

At the beginning of March in Brookings, South Dakota, 主教练拉塞尔·斯梅利带领14名勇士队参加了全美田径协会室内全国锦标赛. Overall, Westmont was well-represented at the podium, 勇士队带着12项全美最佳阵容的荣誉回家. On the men’s side of things, Zola Sokhela received two All-American honors, 一个在男子1000米比赛中获得第二名,另一个在男子1英里比赛中获得第三名. 韦斯特蒙特的杰克·范登·赫维尔以第八名的成绩获得了男子1000米的全美冠军. In the men’s 4x800 relay, a quartet of Warriors (Ben Bodine, John Baker, 安德烈斯·莱昂和亚当·金在获得第七名后成为全美最佳选手. For the women, 安内琳·布雷滕巴赫(Anneline Breytenbach)在女子一英里比赛中获得第七名,赢得了全美荣誉. 然后,布雷滕巴赫和她的三名队友一起参加了远距离混合泳接力的决赛. With a fourth place finish, Kari Anema, Jaiden Rodrigues, Abigail Hundley and Breytenbach earned All-American honors. 勇士队下一次争夺国家荣誉的机会将在5月底, 当NAIA户外全国锦标赛在墨西哥湾海岸举行时, Alabama.

Bryan Peck pitches
Bryan Peck pitches

继开幕日输给19次NAIA冠军刘易斯-克拉克州, 韦斯特蒙特棒球队进行了该计划历史上最成功的运行. Beginning on January 28, 韦斯特蒙特在近一个月的时间里创造了17连胜的纪录. In the middle of the winning streak came a historic highlight, 当勇士队庆祝主教练罗伯特·鲁伊斯职业生涯的第350场胜利时. 在韦斯特蒙特的比赛中,一个个人的亮点是新生布莱恩·派克的首次亮相, who has taken the NAIA by storm. 佩克在对阵刘易斯-克拉克州立大学的比赛中以五局无安打开始了他的赛季, 在接下来的一周里,他在对阵梅萨的比赛中投了七局无安打. 这位新生继续在联盟比赛中证明自己,他的平均责任失分为2分.65 and a record of 5-1 through his first eight starts. The Warriors, who started 29-4 and 17-3 in conference play, 是否有可能在年底打破韦斯特蒙特队的单赛季胜场纪录. 勇士队目前的纪录是42场,由鲁伊斯在2016年创立的球会创造. 勇士队的主要目标是在刘易斯顿追逐他们的第一次NAIA世界大赛之旅, Idaho, at the end of May.


韦斯特蒙特很高兴能主办美国职业足球大联盟杯卫冕冠军, New York City Football Club (NYCFC), for several days. Best of luck to the team on their season!